Hi there!

Let’s all get happy.

For me, happiness is: my husband, my home, my family & friends - and being creative and trying new things. When I look at a piece of furniture or other vintage item, I think about its past, present and future. I know its present - it’s sturdy and beautiful, but maybe it’s in need of some ‘help’ or updating. I wonder about its past - its story. Where did it live? With whom? And, well, how did it get here? (Yes, Talking Heads reference). And I think about how I can ensure that it’s happy, healthy and loved well into the future.

The definition of Reprise includes: “a return to an original time,” and “a recurrence, renewal or resumption of an action.” That’s the inspiration for Reprise Vintage.

Working on pieces and giving them a second life makes me happy. Having you here makes me happy!
I hope the time we share together will make you happy, too!

…cue the Pharrell Williams song…

Catch you on the Flip Side!
(yes, that’s me - messy hair and balancing a side table on my head while I paint because it didn’t occur to me to prop it up on a paint can or something more logical… pretty much a day in the life around here… Welcome!)